Engine Stamp Authentication
One of the most important factors in the value of your Corvette is the correctness of the engine. With recent changes in judging standards an original stamp is more important than ever. Until now determining the authenticity of an engine has been a difficult problem. There are options available for stamp verification but the process can be less than enjoyable. It is very expensive and you are not given any insight into the details of your individual stamp, you are just given an opinion that "it's good"or "it's not". We have simple, more open process. We have gathered a vast library of original stamps and have extensive experience with broach mark characteristics, assembly and VIN stamp characters as well as factory anomalies. Our process is designed to include you fully. We simply need several high resolution photos of your stamp and as much of the back story of your car as is relevant. We also need the engine casting number and the casting date. We will then carefully evaluate the engine and once we have completed the process we will contact you and go over every aspect of your stamp detail by detail.

Because there is no way for anyone to verify a stamp with 100% surety, this service is offered as our professional opinion only. Our evaluation does not in any way indicate that the engine is original from the factory but that the stamp, as presented, is typical of the methods, broach marks, characters etc that were used during production. This is not a legal opinion but just to be used for information only. That being said, we hold that with our extensive experience and with the large amount of data and technical information that we use in our evaluation, that we offer a very accurate opinion. If you are not 100% satisfied with the information that we provide the consult is free. We believe that this is an invaluable service and that it will help you to be better informed. The cost for this service is $180. If for any reason there is something that prevents us from determining that your stamp is typical as it came from the factory with a high degree of certainty then there is no charge for the consultation. Please give us a call. We look forward to working with you!